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You don’t have to be a Hollywood filmmaker to know that video is a hit-or-miss proposition, 但至少当你在影院播放视频时, 你知道它会弹得很顺利. Unfortunately, when you distribute your video over the web, you have no such assurance. So, unless you measure the quality of experience (QoE) of your viewers, you have no way of knowing if your underperforming videos are failing because of content or because of some technical delivery problem. If your video is serving some mission-critical purpose, that’s unacceptable.

It used to be both technically cumbersome and expensive to monitor the QoE of your viewers. 正如您将在本教程中所读到的,通过一个名为 Mux Data 来自一家叫Mux的公司, you can start monitoring QoE by adding a just few lines to your live or video-on-demand (VOD) embed code and will pay only $0.001/开始观看. To be sure, you may want to start with the Pro plan (at $499/month for 1 million video views a month) to access features such as longer data retention, 获得行业基准, 和报警, which still probably costs less than the price of even a minute’s worth of production for some promotional videos.

在本教程中, I’ll first show how to integrate Mux monitoring into your video playback and then review the type of data you can access from the system.


当你添加Mux数据到你的视频, 你是在所谓的环境中这样做的, which is defined as the “highest grouping of data you want to combine and compare within.“本质上, Environments allow you to cordon off test and other staging integrations from actual production integrations for analytical purposes. So, 同时创建iOS或Android集成, you can exclude data from these integrations from actual live productions.

您将添加每个视频作为一个单独的集成. To start, click Add Integration within an Environment, and you’re taken to the screen shown on Figure 1 选择软件开发工具包(SDK). As you can see, Mux currently has integrations with the HTML5



Video Element; Video.它也支持Brightcove播放器版本5.x); JW Player 7; Bitmovin Player 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x; Ooyala Player V4; THEOplayer 2.x (in beta); iOS 8+ and tvOS 9+ (Objective-C); and ExoPlayer v2 (in beta). 如果Mux目前不支持您的播放器, it will either create the integration for free or provide documentation and support for your own developers, 该公司说哪一个需要一天左右的时间.

集成复杂性因SDK而异. For my tests, I added Mux Data to a simple HTML5 player in about 10 minutes (see Figure 2), aided by a useful YouTube video produced by Mux co-founder Steve Heffernan (go2sm.com/muxintegration). 这种联系有两个方面. 第一个脚本(要修改).js)将视频连接到Mux系统. The second allows you to add metadata to the integration, either for informational purposes or to provide details about the video or environment that can’t be detected by the Mux system and may help diagnose problems.



For example, you can use the experiment name field to separate different configuration experiments when implementing a new player or debugging a problem. You can also add 视频标题s and IDs to quickly identify video-specific problems.


Mux tracks a number of common metrics like time to first frame, 视频开始前退出, 播放器和页面加载时间, 播放失败, 重新缓冲频率和百分比, 寻找时间, as well as metrics like upscale and downscale percentage. 稍后您将看到更多细节, Mux can sort this data by dimensions like browser and browser version, country, and OS, as well as via much of the metadata added to the video, 比如玩家的名字和版本, 视频标题, etc.

Data is collected continuously and is updated to the analytics about 2 minutes after playback ends. You access the metrics in the Mux system via the screen shown in Figure 3, although you can also access the data via an application programming interface (API) to view or to integrate it into your internal systems (go2sm.com/muxapi). 如你所料, you can access data for any time frame as controlled by the calendar function at the upper right corner of the screen. 我正在展示一个Mux小客户9月的数据. 1至1月. 12.



如图3左侧所示, 数据主要有四种类型:参数, errors, views, and alerts, 我将在下面进一步讨论. 指标是由观众体验分数主导的, 哪一个在报告期间平均为69,并且有所不同, 如图所示. 为视角, the faint gray dotted flat line shows the average score for all Mux customers over the previous 90-day period. 图表显示, while this customer’s viewer experience score flirted with the overall average for about the first month of operation, the experience improved thereafter and was consistently higher save for the big drop that occurred on Friday, Dec. 2. 我们一会儿再回来讲这个.



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NAB 2018: Mux的Jon Dahl谈论QoE和Mux视频

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Mux makes it simple for media companies to learn exactly what problems their viewers are experiencing, 然后找到解决方案.
